Download Best USB flash drive repair software .Learn how to repair a corrupted USB flash drive .Download all recovery software and flash drive repair software .
First You must extract your Flash disk information
- The first step of flash drive repair is determining your USB flash drive information to know which repair software will be suitable for this flash drive .
- To determine Flash drive information you can use many software such as ,Chip genius ,flash extractor , chip easy and many flash drive software but i prefer using Chip genius software .
- Now Bring your corrupted USB flash disk and Download Chip Genius from this link "Chip Genius Software 2014 " ,connect your corrupted usb stick to your computer .
- Open Chip Genius software and insert your USB pen drive , Once you connect the flash drive ,Chip genius will detect Flash information .Now the important parameters in the Chip genius report for us is three things :
- Chip Vendor
- Chip Part-Number
- If the Chip genius detect the flash drive information correctly , You will get Chip vendor ,Chip Part- Number so we can repair the USB stick by Update firmware ,this means a software solution .But Sometimes Chip genius report doesn't show chip vendor ,chip part number or write unknown , in this way there is a hardware solution to make the flash drive recognized by computer and chip genius then use the software "we will discuss it after finishing the software part ".
Repair Corrupted USB Pen drive by Updating Flash Firmware "Software solution only "
- Now we start to repair flash drive .There are many ways to repair corrupted USB flash memory , i explain one of them before in this article "How to repair usb flash drive in three steps " ,this way i called it "VID-PID repairing method ".In this way after we get the Chip genius report for our flash disk ,we take the VID and The PID number and Go tho this site "Here " really i like this site , because it was my inspiring guide before , i learned a lot of things about repairing flash drives from it .
1- VID-PID Flash drive Repairing Method
- Now open the link then write the VID ,PID in the boxes ,look to this picture
- Write VID and PID that you got before from Chip Genius report , then click Search .
- You will got a schedule of flash drive software with this parameters , we will need to focus in four parameters only from them "Chip Vendor ,Chip Model ,Size (GB) ,UTILS "Flash Firmware " .
- After we look to this Parameters and we found our flash drive information identical with chip genius report , Look to UTILs you will find the name of your correct flash drive repair software .Copy the Name of Flash drive repair utility then go to Our lovely Google Search engine and write the name of repair software and search about it .You will find a link to download the software from Flash Drive repair website or Flashboot.ru or any flash drive repair websites "The goal is to repair your usb flash disk , doesn't matter who is the website " .
- As example we find the software download link in Flashboot.ru ,look to the picture
- This is an example of phison chip vendor firmware software , to download it click on Phison_MPALL_V3.63_PS2251-67.rar then download it directly to your computer .
- To repair USB flash disk , open the software then if the software is correct , you will find your flash in the software .Click in start to begin updating flash firmware .
2- Chip vendor -Chip Model Flash Drive repair Method
- This is a direct USB flash Drive repair Method .In this method we will search about the repair software directly on the net .
- From Chip Genius report ,Copy the chip vendor ,part number and paste them in Google search then enter .
- You will find many download links of your flash drive repair software ,choose the one identical to your words and download it .
- Open the downloaded repair software , insert your usb flash disk to your computer .If this is the right software , you will see your flash drive information in the software interface .Click start or format to begin formatting your corrupted usb flash disk .
3- General Best Flash drive repair software
There are many USB flash drive repair freeware software that maybe working and repairing your USB stick .Many Flash drive brand company develop a special software for it's flash memory.Also there is many general formatting and recovery software that can help you in fixing your flash disk .
3-1 Branded Flash drive repair Software
I will put the flash drive repair software for many famous USB flash disk ,I'm already explain them in special articles .
3-1-1 Kingston USB flash Drive Repair Software
Kingston format utility
To repair Kingston USB Flash drive and download this tool ,Read this article
3-1-2 Kingmax USB Pen drive recovery Software
Kingmax Format tool
Kingmax Format utility allows to repair any Kingmax USB flash drive,Read this article
3-1-3 ADATA USB Flash Drive Repair Software
ADATA Format Tool
Repair ADATA USB Stick by Using ADATA recovery tool,Read this article
3-1-4 Transcend and Jetflash USB flash drive repair software
Transcend Recovery Tool
Transcend format tool can repair any Transcend USB stick or Jetflash drive,Read this article
3-1-5 Lexar USB flash drive repair software
Lexar Format tool
Lexar format utility allows to format any Lexar usb flash disk ,Read this article
3-1-6 Silicon Power USB flash drive Repair software
Silicon Power Recovery Tool
Silicon Power Format utility can repair Any Silicon USB flash disk , read this article
Silicon Power Formatter
Silicon power formatter v 3.7 can repair any silicon flash drive have ps2251 chip vendor
3-1-7 SanDisk USB flash drive repair software
SanDisk Recover disk generator tool
Recover Disk Generator utility can repair many SanDisk Flash drives,read this article
Repair sandisk flash drive and oti with recover disk generator
Sandisk compatible U3 smart drive recovery online
Sandisk compatible U3 smart drive recovery online
3-2 General Format and Flash drive repair Software
Here i will put all possible flash drive format software that may be help you to format and fix your corrupted usb flash drive .Try the previous methods first , if not work with you , please use the following flash drive repair tools .
3-2-1 HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
HP USB format tool allows you to format any corrupted USB flash disk , try it now .Read this article
3-2-2 Check Flash format tool
Check Flash utility allows you Scan and fix corrupted usb flash drive ,Read this article
3-2-3 USB Flash Tester Tool
USB Flash Tester utility allows you scan flash drive bad sector and fix it with short time .Read this article
3-2-4 Low Level Format Tool
"HDD LLF" Low Level Format Tool can format any type of HDD,Flash drive and memory card .Read this
3-2-5 USB Show Software
USB Show can Recover your usb flash drive hidden files with usb show freeware .Read this article
3-2-6 Panasonic SD Format tool
Format memory card with Panasonic SD Format tool .Read this article
3-2-7 MMC format tool utility
MMC format utility software can format usb flash disk and SD memory card .Read this article
3-2-8 MMC Media format utility
MMC Media format utility can format corrupted usb flash memory or SD memory card .Read this article
3-2-9 PeToUsb tool
PeToUSB is a free software utility for formatting and making usb flash disk bootable .Read this article .
Fix corrupted flash disk with petousb utility3-2-10 Special Programming Software to fix unreadable file directory
How to fix directory is corrupted and unreadable error.Read this article
how to fix File or directory is corrupted and unreadable error
3-2-11 Martik USB Disk Formatter Software
Format Micro memory card or SD card and Flash drive .Read this article
Format flash drive with Martik USB Disk Formatter free3-2-12 Urescue Format tool
Urescue 2013 format tool support formatting of many usb flash drive such as A-Data flash drive .Read this
Format flash stick with Urescue 2013 format tool
4- Write protected memory solution
If you get error message "the disk is write protected" ,read how to remove write protection from USB flash drive or memory card .
Now We finish the Full Guide of best usb flash drive repair software .Please if you like this article ,share it with your friends to help them to repair their usb sticks .
Don't forget to subscribe to our Facebook Page "Flash Drive Repair " To receive the latest posts and latest flash firmware software .I will be happy if you leave a comment with your opinion about this article "bad or good ".
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
ReplyDeleteCurrent Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 03F0 PID = AE07
Serial Number: AA00000000000238
Device Vendor: HP
Device Name: v250w
Device Revision: 1100
Manufacturer: hp
Product Model: v250w
Product Revision: 1100
Chip Vendor: SMI
Chip Part-Number: SM3257ENAA - ISP 120710-AA-
Flash ID Code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba - 4CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 32GB
There is no utils available. :( HELP!!!
DeleteDevice Type:??Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5577
Serial Number: 4C532000031201123395
Device Vendor: SanDisk
Device Name: Firebird USB Flash Drive
Device Revision: 0126
Manufacturer: SanDisk
Product Model: Cruzer Pop
Product Revision: 1.26
Chip Part-Number: Unknown
DeleteDevice Type:??Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5577
Serial Number: 4C532000031201123395
Device Vendor: SanDisk
Device Name: Firebird USB Flash Drive
Device Revision: 0126
Manufacturer: SanDisk
Product Model: Cruzer Pop
Product Revision: 1.26
Chip Part-Number: Unknown
Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 2.0)
DeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1665
Serial Number: AC220B280C8FDDB4000000DF
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
Device Revision: 1100
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
Dear Ashraf, thank you you're site is very useful and interesting.
ReplyDeleteIf I perform the pid/vid method, will the usb drive be formatted or only the controller? If it will be erased, could I rescue files with sw as recuve, photorec, test disk &co.? Thank you, Marco
hi question to all.
ReplyDeletecan we still recover the old data from the USB stick after a factory reset (MP tools reformat)?
thank you.. please provide some insight, i need to recover some files from a stick which was reset successfully using MP tools. thank you
Recovering Data from corrupted USB after updating firmware isn't guaranteed but try to use Recuva software for free or you must go to Data recovery Company near to you, they will take money but u will recover your data
DeleteThank you Sir Asraaf for your response! i will try to use Recuva software if it can get the files from the usb stick.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to recover some 2GB of documents from an 8-GB TDK "Life on Record" USB stick with SM3257 controller chip and a Sandisk flash memory chip. It was not detectable when it came to me, but I managed to make it work using SMI MP tools. I tried some recovery softwares but, no single file was found.
So I'm wondering if it is still technically possible to retrieve the files even after the MP tools (reset) having known that the reset have formatted the flash memory.
Dear Ashraaf Muhammed, could you help me...I bought a pendrive of 32GB, Kingston. DataTraveler and after 1 week, I found myself looking everywhere for a solution.
ReplyDeleteKind regards
Description: [F:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(USB Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1221 PID = 3234
Serial Number: 2014051215400929
Device Vendor: USB
Device Name: Disk
Device Revision: 0000
Manufacturer: USB
Product Model: Disk
Product Revision: 2.60
Chip Vendor: Micov
Chip Part-Number: MXT6208E/MW8209 - F/W
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/micov.html
My friend , there is two chip vendor models so it must be one not two so please remove the cover of ur flash drive and write the words on the small chip to find u the right firmware
DeleteSorry for the inconvenience, I found one small chip near to a led light:
And on the other side I found a bigger one:
I hope you can help me to solve this problem!!
you can use the software here sir >>> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2013/11/Update-Ameco-MW8209-firmware-and-fix-corrupted-flash-drive.html
DeleteSir, I tried several times with the software above, but I always get the same message: ¨Error!: can not find the chip information! ID=0000000¨
ReplyDeleteyou must remove the cover of ur flash drive and write the words on the small chip or take a pic for it and put it in a comment
Deletesmall chip:
Big one:
pictures in this link: https://copy.com/8tDWAfALFvNwoKyt
Dear Ashraaf Muhammed, could you help me?! I don´t know what to do
Deleteuse software in this article and tell me the result >>> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2013/11/Update-Ameco-MW8209-firmware-and-fix-corrupted-flash-drive.html
DeleteI put the pendrive, open UdTools and go to Start All after a couple of seconds I get the same message : ¨Error!: can not find the chip information! ID=0000000¨
DeleteAny idea?
Finnally...I download the version of UdTools for MW8209 and the software recognized the pendrive. Sadly this message appear:
DeleteError: Download Scan Code Failed! ID=9879A5C0 Elapse= 8s
My friend...I know we are close to solve it. I need your advice!! Thanks in advance!!
try this version my friend >> http://adf.ly/rxiNH
Deletedear admin.
ReplyDeleteHi I try to repair my flash disk but still no luck.
Here is my chip genius info:
Description: [I:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0011 PID = 7788
Serial Number: 5374E82F
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0103
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk
Product Revision: 8.00
Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xE603 - F/W D823
Flash ID code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Reference Product: ??:?U????????
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
And, you sad because it has unknown chip-part number then I need to see code inside the chip. Then I open my flash disk and I got this number:
And this is the pict, CMIIW if I wrong about those code: http://s21.postimg.org/wrkxtvyyf/intel.jpg
thank you
Edit: Solved with FC MpTool_D3eD3_v05.02.05 , but cannot format to NTFS only FAT32. Can you help me what is wrong ?
ReplyDeleteCongratulation , Try to format with this tool >>> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2012/12/how-you-can-format-corrupted-or-write.html
Deletestill failed with NTFS. and I remember that when I flashing the firmware it says failed to write file system. any information ?
DeleteMy usb (8Gb) is a USM 8GU from sony
ReplyDeleteThere is my data from easy chip :
Logical drive : F:\ Capacity: 0.0G
Device ID : VID = 1F75 PID = 0916
Device SN :
Device version : 1.00
Device vendor : Innostor
Device model : NAND Flash
Protocol : USB2.0
Max power : 200mA
Partition type : Device active :
Aligned state : Misaligned
Controller : Chipsbank
Controller model: CBMnnostor
FW Date : NAND.la.
I really need your help please, because i can't find the right utils for my usb and i really need my data =/
i can't determine the actual chip vendor for ur flash , please remove the cover and write the info on the small processor
DeleteI don't know how to open it =/
I will try to force it tomorrow if i didn't see an other way .
P.s: i try to use Chip genius to see if that give me more information, i don't know if that will help =/ :
Device Vendor: Innostor Technology Corp.
Device Name: IS916EN
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Innostor
Product Model: NAND Flash
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Innostor(??)
Chip Part-Number: IS916
Thank you very much for taking your time to help me.
try this software and please tell me the result with u >> http://goo.gl/KAS7bW
DeleteI have to sleep now so if i don't reply to u this means that already slept So tomorrow will communicate with u asap
also try this >> http://goo.gl/WYDD2F and this >> http://goo.gl/6D8hFZ
DeleteThe last one had worked, but all my data had disapear =/, i'm trying wondershare data recover but it's look like he can't even had anything ( i'm going to try some other maybe one of those software can save me)
DeleteBut still, thanks you a lot, in a way I had a new usb, i will not do the same mistake. Just a strange things that my usb is now called Transcend and not sony but it's not a really big deal ^^.
Thanks you very much. And get a good night
I'm so sorry , i don't know that u have important data on ur usb , but u know it's corrupted so if u fix it u lose data inside it so i'm really sorry .by the way congratulation for ur new usb
DeleteThat's not your bad ^^; it was mine, if i had been a bit more carefull with my data (i mean by that keep a copy on my computer), and if i had not panic on my usb when the first problem comes, I would still have my data. That make me a lot sad, because i looe many important thing, but i had passed too much time on it already and being helped to finally finish it relieves me of some ways, at least now I know that I can't do anything more.
DeleteAnd I didn't lose eveyrthing i know someone who had some copy of a part of my stuff, and it's better than anything.
But anyway, thank you very much for helping me, and sorry for taking your time.
Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(TOSHIBA TransMemory)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6545
Serial Number: 00D0C9CCDF47EE305000AB0E
Device Vendor: TOSHIBA
Device Name: TransMemory
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
Product Model: TransMemory
Product Revision: PMAP
Chip Vendor: Phison
Chip Part-Number: PS2251-67(PS2267) - F/W 07.08.53 [2012-07-12]
Flash ID Code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba [TLC]
Could you help me regain my usb stick.. Its actual size is 8 GB however it is showing as 4 MB
Hello sir , please use the software in this article >> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2014/01/10-Best-software-to-recover-Phison-PS2267-or-Phison-PS2251-67-UP23.html and this >>http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2014/10/phison-format-restore-v3900-firmware.html or > http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2014/09/download-phison-format-restore-v3700.html and please tell me the result with u
Deletevery god
ReplyDeletethanks bro
U r welcome Bro
DeleteDescription: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 2.0)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1665
Serial Number: 60A44C413CE6FD80E99023C9
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Kingston
Product Model: DataTraveler 2.0
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
Controller Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xBB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
I opened the USB Drive:
These are the number i got off the chip on the drive:
ON another part i found this number:
Kindly help me. Hope these numbers will help you help me. Thanks. Keep up the good work you are doing.
try this tool first >> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2013/05/download-kingston-format-tool-online.html
DeleteSorry it is HVNG4F7
ReplyDeleteI have tried this before and has not worked! Is there another tool that we can use to fix this drive?
ReplyDeleteIn deed this controller haven't any firmware yet , you can search about SSS6698 firmware and you will not find anything .Sorry for that my friend
DeleteThanks for the help will keep you posted if i find any help. There are many people with the same types of drive that are looking for help. God Bless.
DeletePlease help.Got this pendrive write protected
ReplyDeletePnP Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5577
Serial Number: 4C532000071006120441
Revision: 1.26
Device Type: Standard USB device - USB2.0 Full-Speed (USB1.1)
Chip Vendor: (No match record)
Chip Part-Number: (No match record)
Product Vendor: SanDisk
Product Model: Cruzer Pop
Tools on Web: (N/A)
Sir please help
ReplyDeleteHere is the Chip Genius Info:
Description: [W:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 2.0)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 160E
Serial Number: 5B86170002AE
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
Device Revision: 0110
Manufacturer: Kingston
Product Model: DataTraveler 2.0
Product Revision: PMAP
Chip Vendor: Phison
Chip Part-Number: SK6211/SK6281
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/phison.html
The problem is I can't format it and on disk manager it says "No Media"
Hoping for your kind response.
Thank you!
Hello This is Chip Genises report of my Iball 8gb pen drive. i searched and downloaded so many tools referring to this report. but none helped me to format this pen drive. pen drive is showing write protected. Please someone hep me... Thanks
ReplyDeleteDescription: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
Serial Number: AA2D6013
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0103
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk
Product Revision: 8.07
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC708(FC8708)/AU6987 - F/W 8611
Flash ID code: ADDE94D2 - Hynix H27UCG8T2MYR - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
try this >> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2014/03/Alcor-Micro-SC708-FC8708-AU6987-AU6990-Format-tools.html
DeleteKindly help me with the following usb drive.
ReplyDeleteDescription: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC708(FC8708)/AU6987 - F/W A779
Flash ID code: 4DCD9C3A - 1CE/Single Channel [QLC]
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
try this >> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2014/03/Alcor-Micro-SC708-FC8708-AU6987-AU6990-Format-tools.html >> and this >> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2014/11/download-alcormp-au698x-rt-v10014-l0117.html >> and tell me the result with u
DeleteI have problem getting software for this USB:
ReplyDeleteDescription: USB Mass Storage Device(UFD 2.0 Silicon-Power)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 090C PID = 1000
Serial Number: 1400116909803104
Device Vendor: UFD 2.0
Device Name: Silicon-Power
Device Revision: 1100
Chip Vendor: SMI(??)
Chip Part-Number: SM321~SM325
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/smi.html
Can I get any help ,,, please
Can u open flash cover and write to me the info on the small black chip ?
Deletethe info as below :
Try this first >>> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2014/01/How-to-format-Innostor-IS902-IS902E-IS903-IS9162-IS916EN-USB-Flash-Disk.html > and tell me the result with u
DeleteBy now resulted but my pendrive is 32gb and after the recovery jetflash tool came with 27 gb
ReplyDeletetomorrow, if give some error I say
I hope u r satisfied with this result , you know there is some bad sectors in ur flash so maybe u will not recover all 32 gb and 27 gb is pretty good better than nothing if u agree with me
DeletePlease help with this flash drive
ReplyDeleteDescription: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0C76 PID = 0005
Device Vendor: GENERIC
Device Name: USB Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
Chip Part-Number: SSS6691-B3
Flash ID Code: 98D79432 - Toshiba - 2CE/??? [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
And here is the the number from the chip inside
Hi, I found your post very useful and interesting. Please help me to find the correct tool to recover my 8GB usb flash drive as ChipGenius is not getting chip vendor nor chip.part number. I've opened the case and the info on the controller chip is the following:
H3R222 . 1DOF
Please let me know should you need a pic of that info. Thank you
Use this my friend and tell me the result >> http://adf.ly/ugeQ5
Deletethank you for your answer. I tried another version of chipgenius and it returned that the chip vendor is alcor micro, however when using the AlcorMP tool as you suggested, the tool is not recognizing the flash drive and it cannot start the process. Do you have any idea how to get this thing working?
DeleteHi, i have 8gb kingston datatraveler g2, but chip genius not read it kingston as vendor, can u help me to find the correct tools
ReplyDeleteGeniuschips reading
Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0C76 PID = 0005
Device Vendor: GENERIC
Device Name: USB Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
Chip Part-Number: SSS6691-B3
Flash ID Code: 98D79432 - Toshiba - 2CE/??? [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
And here is the the number from the chip inside
other side of the chip
Thank you before
Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro
Chip Part-Number: SC708(FC8708)/AU6987/AU6990 - F/W D8AC
Flash ID Code: ADDE94D2 - Hynix - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
find mine too...
Chip Genius Software didn't find VID, PID, Chip Vendor Chip and Part-Number.
ReplyDeletewhat can i do now?
my problem is: when i insert my usb in usb-port, only a cd-driver opens. there is no usb-driver which i can open.
when I insert the flash it responds insert disk... what can I do?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAssalamualaikum, Wr Wb
DeleteTolong Saya Pak, Flashdisk saya Toshiba Hayabusa 64 GB "Write Protect" & "RAW" 0 Byte, terima kasih banyak atas bantuannya
Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(Flash USB Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1111 PID = 2222
Serial Number: 3727140911B9050828021
Device Vendor: Flash
Device Name: USB Disk
Device Revision: 0000
Manufacturer: Flash
Product Model: USB Disk
Product Revision: 2.D0
Chip Part-Number: Unknown
Dear sir,
ReplyDeleteI need your help. my flash drive down size to 4mb(actually 8gb). because of my mistake.
i used Phison Format & Restore v3.9.0.0 firmware update tool.rar.
Please,kindly give your solution as soon as possible.
Description: [K:]USB Mass Storage Device(Imation Nano Pro)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0718 PID = 0619
Serial Number: C6003C9A1146EF16
Device Vendor: Imation
Device Name: Nano Pro
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Imation
Product Model: Nano Pro
Product Revision: PMAP
Chip Vendor: Phison
Chip Part-Number: PS2251-67(PS2267) - F/W 06.05.34 [2013-10-31]
Flash ID Code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba [TLC]
try this first >> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2014/10/phison-st-tool-3.67-3.70-3.71-ps2251-07-67.html >> if not work try this >> http://www.flashdrive-repair.com/2014/01/10-Best-software-to-recover-Phison-PS2267-or-Phison-PS2251-67-UP23.html
DeleteHi Ahraaf,
ReplyDeletePlease help, I have a 64gm Kingston 3.0 USB- DTM30. the usb is showing 0kb. The USB is coming up greyed out in my computer. i can click and go in but it is empty, i cannot save new data to it. I cannot format it either. tried various methods.
Please help.
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 3.0)
Protocal Version: USB 2.10 <- Hint: This is a USB3.0 device working at USB2.0 mode
Current Speed: High Speed
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1666
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Kingston
Product Model: DataTraveler 3.0
Product Revision: PMAP
Chip Part-Number: Unknown
What is Broadway storage device USB device
ReplyDeleteplease i need your help
ReplyDeleteDescription: [F:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(2303 PRAM)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200
Device Vendor: Phison
Device Name: 2303 Boot ROM
Device Revision: 0110
Product Model: 2303 PRAM
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Phison
Chip Part-Number: PS2251-03(PS2303) - F/W 01.01.10 [2012-04-09]
Flash ID Code: 983A9276 - Toshiba [SLC]
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/phison.html
Could you please help?
ReplyDeleteDescription: USB Mass Storage Device(TOSHIBA TransMemory)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6544
Serial Number: B49A3628EEFBCD7183C41BE9
Device Vendor: TOSHIBA
Device Name: TransMemory
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
Product Model: TransMemory
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Toshiba
Controller Part-Number: SK6211BB/TC58NC6686G1F
Tools on web: http://bbs.mydigit.cn/read.php?tid=72885
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhat software use for this cant find any that fit
Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Generic UDISK)
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
USB Device ID: VID = 1908 PID = 1320
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: UDISK
Product Revision: 1.0a
Chip Vendor: BW(??)
64 gb
Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(USB DISK 30X)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 1D00
Device Name: USB DISK 30X
Device Revision: 0110
Kindly help me with the following flash drive
Product Model: USB DISK 30X
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Phison
Chip Part-Number: PS2251-39(PS2239) - F/W 06.08.10 [2009-06-29]
i have sony 8gb pen drive. no formated & no media show 0 bytes, installed hardware name Broadway storage device usb device. automatic sony name replace. please help pen drive not work properly
ReplyDeleteDescription: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(3.0ULE)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0212 PID = 0796
Device Revision: 0105
Manufacturer: 3.0ULE
Chip Part-Number: Unknown
tanx mr ashraf
ReplyDeletehelp me plz,
chip genius:
Description: [J:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
Device Type:??Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xE101 - F/W 8981
Flash ID Code: 45D79882 - SanDisk - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 4GB
Tools on web:??http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
error "write firmware to flash fail" in alcor recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :| :(
plz,help me
ChipGenius is in F__king Chinese
ReplyDeleteHow to use this stupid software
ReplyDeleteNothing noted in the UTILS section on the website "flashboot.ru".
My USB key : LEXAR JumpDrive S73 USB3.0 128GB
VID = 05DC
PID = A20A
Device Vendor: Lexar
Device Name: JumpDrive
Device Revision: 1075
Manufacturer: Lexar
Product Model: NAND Flash
Product Revision: 1.00
Part-Number: LJDS73-128ABEU
Aligned state : Misaligned
Controller : Chipsbank
Controller model: CBMexar
FW Date : NAND.la.
Can you help me to find the right tool please?
Thank you in advance.
Hi, I've got a transcend JF V30/32GB (fake as I realized) and it can not be formatted, shows 0bytes available and 8m capacity. How do I fix this then?
ReplyDeleteDescription: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk 2.0)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: Full Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 5136 PID = 4678
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: USB2.0 FlashDisk
Device Revision: 1000
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk 2.0
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Part-Number: Unknown
hi dear ashraf. i have a kingston flash memory with "you need format the disk in drive :f befor you can use it " mesage. but i cant format it. my kingson detile is :
ReplyDeleteDescription: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Storage Device)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1665
Serial Number: 08606E6B64AAFDC02713BF5E
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Storage Device
Product Revision: 0000
Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
Controller Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xBB
and :
chip vendor : SSS (Solid State System)
chip model: 6698 H1-U6C
memory chip: HYPG4F8
size 8 gig
i dont find any programer for it! plz help me to find loader and framemwork . taank yoou
my email: mansour.zargaran[at]gmail.com
Hi, Mr Ashraaf, My Kingston pendrive(DT101G2/8GB) cnt format, below is its detail
ReplyDeleteDescription: [I:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
Device Type:¡¡¡¡Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1665
Serial Number: 60A44C413984F9209970245B
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(ÃŽ´Ã–ª) - 0xBB
Tools on web:¡¡¡¡http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
Hope you can help me solve this problem.Thank you in advance.
Hi, Mr Ashraaf, My Kingston pendrive(DT101G2/8GB) keep on show this message("you need format the disk in drive :f befor you can use it ")but it cnt format, below is its detail
ReplyDeleteDescription: [I:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
Device Type:¡¡¡¡Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1665
Serial Number: 60A44C413984F9209970245B
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(ÃŽ´Ã–ª) - 0xBB
Tools on web:¡¡¡¡http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
Really hope that you can help me solve this problem.Thank you in advance.
my email : jenny-hwey@hotmail.com
Thank You Ashraf... You have put up something great here... It helped a lot
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome sir
DeleteSir My pen drive is giving an CTL error while formatting with alcorMP tool my chip genius
ReplyDeleteDescription: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro
Chip Part-Number: AU6983/AU6986 - F/W 2230
Flash ID Code: 89D394A5 - Intel - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-2K] -> Total Capacity = 1GB
PLYSSSSSSSSSSSSSS tell me the tool.
Sir My pen drive is giving an CTL error while formatting with alcorMP tool my chip genius
ReplyDeleteDescription: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro
Chip Part-Number: AU6983/AU6986 - F/W 2230
Flash ID Code: 89D394A5 - Intel - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-2K] -> Total Capacity = 1GB
PLYSSSSSSSSSSSSSS tell me the tool. MY MAIL ID khannabeel19@gmail.com
Description: [I:]USB Mass Storage Device(2302 PRAM)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5100
Device Vendor: Phison
Device Name: 2302 Boot ROM
Device Revision: 0110
Product Model: 2302 PRAM
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Phison
Chip Part-Number: PS2251-02(PS2302) - F/W 01.00.10 [2011-07-15]
Flash ID Code: 98DE9872 - Toshiba [TLC]
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/phison.html
I have a USB(TOSHIBA/TOSHIBA MSFT NORB/MSFT NORB), when insert the pen drive, windows show 2 disk, (7.96 mb and 7.2 gb) they are not a partition.
ReplyDeleteHow can I restore o change, and get only 1 disk?
I try the "Phison ST-TOOL v3.70", the application show the nex informationinformation
Driver: FE: Mode 7
ID Issue 0002 [98 DE 94 93 76 50 8]
when I press Start button, start to run the time, but in the end of the window show
Testing Counter: Total=0 ** Pass=0 ** Fail=0
And the Usb dont change.
What can I do, for obtain only 1 disk?
thanks for your attention.
my e-mail: bernardogtello@gmail.com
Description: [F:][E:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(TOSHIBA/TOSHIBA MSFT NORB/MSFT NORB)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.10 <- Hint: This device can run faster when plugged to a USB3.0 port
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 498mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 1400
Serial Number: MSFTNAKTM10708521966001C
Device Vendor: TOSHIBA
Device Name: MSFT NORB
Device Revision: 0100
Product Revision: PMAP/PMAP
Controller Vendor: Phison
Controller Part-Number: PS2251-07(PS2307) - F/W 01.09.10 [2014-12-02]
Flash ID code: 98DE9493 - Toshiba [MLC]
what is the suitable MPtool for VID=048D & PID=1176?
ReplyDeletei searched a lot but can not find any software, i try DtMPTool_V1.71D.0.97 with no success (eror 726)
Logical drive : D:\ Capacity: 7.6G
Device ID : VID = 048D PID = 1176
Device SN :
Device version : 0.00
Device vendor : Generic
Device model : USB Flash Disk
Protocol : USB2.0
Max power : 480mA
Partition type : FAT32 Device active : no
Aligned state : Misaligned
Controller : ITE
Controller model: IT1176 A1BA
Flash Vendor : (Open Network for more information)
Last MP : 2015-04-11 MP Ver: 1.76D.7.6.C
Tools : http://www.upan.cc/tools/mass/USBest/
OS Version : Microsoft Windows XP Personal Service Pack 3
Volume: D:
Controller: ITE IT1176 A1BA
Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available
Internal Version: 1.76D.7.6.C
FlashDB: 300022
FW Date: 2015-04-11 22:28:23
FW Ver.: FMLD6.19S54
VID: 048D
PID: 1176
Manufacturer: Generic
Product: USB Mass Storage Device
Query Vendor ID: Generic
Query Product ID: USB Flash Disk
Query Product Revision: 0.00
Physical Disk Capacity: 8178892800 Bytes
Windows Disk Capacity: 8162082816 Bytes
Internal Tags: 4RAE-QAGA
File System: FAT32
Relative Offset: 31 KB
USB Version: 2.00
Declared Power: 480 mA
ContMeas ID: B68A-09-00
Microsoft Windows XP SP3
Program Version:
Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 480mA
USB Device ID: VID = 048D PID = 1176
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 0.00
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
thanks a lot ;)
ReplyDeletetnx for your nice post
what is the suitable MPtool for VID=048D & PID=1176?
i searched a lot but can not find any software, i try DtMPTool_V1.71D.0.97 with no success (eror 726)
Logical drive : D:\ Capacity: 7.6G
Device ID : VID = 048D PID = 1176
Device SN :
Device version : 0.00
Device vendor : Generic
Device model : USB Flash Disk
Protocol : USB2.0
Max power : 480mA
Partition type : FAT32 Device active : no
Aligned state : Misaligned
Controller : ITE
Controller model: IT1176 A1BA
Flash Vendor : (Open Network for more information)
Last MP : 2015-04-11 MP Ver: 1.76D.7.6.C
Tools : http://www.upan.cc/tools/mass/USBest/
OS Version : Microsoft Windows XP Personal Service Pack 3
Volume: D:
Controller: ITE IT1176 A1BA
Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available
Internal Version: 1.76D.7.6.C
FlashDB: 300022
FW Date: 2015-04-11 22:28:23
FW Ver.: FMLD6.19S54
VID: 048D
PID: 1176
Manufacturer: Generic
Product: USB Mass Storage Device
Query Vendor ID: Generic
Query Product ID: USB Flash Disk
Query Product Revision: 0.00
Physical Disk Capacity: 8178892800 Bytes
Windows Disk Capacity: 8162082816 Bytes
Internal Tags: 4RAE-QAGA
File System: FAT32
Relative Offset: 31 KB
USB Version: 2.00
Declared Power: 480 mA
ContMeas ID: B68A-09-00
Microsoft Windows XP SP3
Program Version:
Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 480mA
USB Device ID: VID = 048D PID = 1176
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 0.00
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
thanks again
ReplyDeletetnx for your nice post
what is the suitable MPtool for VID=048D & PID=1176?
i searched a lot but can not find any software, i try DtMPTool_V1.71D.0.97 with no success (eror 726)
Logical drive : D:\ Capacity: 7.6G
Device ID : VID = 048D PID = 1176
Device SN :
Device version : 0.00
Device vendor : Generic
Device model : USB Flash Disk
Protocol : USB2.0
Max power : 480mA
Partition type : FAT32 Device active : no
Aligned state : Misaligned
Controller : ITE
Controller model: IT1176 A1BA
Flash Vendor : (Open Network for more information)
Last MP : 2015-04-11 MP Ver: 1.76D.7.6.C
Tools : http://www.upan.cc/tools/mass/USBest/
OS Version : Microsoft Windows XP Personal Service Pack 3
Volume: D:
Controller: ITE IT1176 A1BA
Possible Memory Chip(s): Not available
Internal Version: 1.76D.7.6.C
FlashDB: 300022
FW Date: 2015-04-11 22:28:23
FW Ver.: FMLD6.19S54
VID: 048D
PID: 1176
Manufacturer: Generic
Product: USB Mass Storage Device
Query Vendor ID: Generic
Query Product ID: USB Flash Disk
Query Product Revision: 0.00
Physical Disk Capacity: 8178892800 Bytes
Windows Disk Capacity: 8162082816 Bytes
Internal Tags: 4RAE-QAGA
File System: FAT32
Relative Offset: 31 KB
USB Version: 2.00
Declared Power: 480 mA
ContMeas ID: B68A-09-00
Microsoft Windows XP SP3
Program Version:
Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 480mA
USB Device ID: VID = 048D PID = 1176
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 0.00
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
thanks again
I’ve got Verbatim Store’n'Go Pinstripe 32GB. Suddenly it hasn’t been detected on Win Xp/7. On Win7 it sounds that new divice has benn plugged via USB and that’s all – nothing happens next, on Win XP every time that pendrive is plugged the drivers are instelled, removalble storage device is showing in My computer folder but there is no posiibility to do anything with it (eg format). Double click causes error “Enter disk into drive E”
ReplyDeleteChipGenius 4.00.0201 telling this info:
Description: [E:]Mass storage device
USB(Generic USB Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC908SN/AU6989SN [E512] – F/W FF00
Flash ID code: 8964643C – Intel PF29F32B08NCMFS – 4CE/Single Channel [MLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 32GB
Tools on web:
Possible Flash Part-Number
[1CE]PF29F64G08LCMFH x 4 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[2CE]PF29F16B08MCMFH x 2 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[4CE]PF29F32B08NCMFH x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]PF29F64G08LCMFS x 4 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[2CE]PF29F16B08MCMFS x 2 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[4CE]PF29F32B08NCMFS x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
8964643CA10C ——–
8964643CA10C ——–
8964643CA10C ——–
8964643CA10C ——–
——– ——–
——– ——–
——– ——–
——– ——–
I’ve downloaded AlcorMP
Software detects the pendrive but after clickin’ Start shows an error:
30500: No support flash error
Bad Block: 0/0
How to resolve this problem?
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
Serial Number: 59883AAD
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0105
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk
Product Revision: 8.07
Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xEC05 - F/W FF00
Flash ID Code: 45DE9493 - SanDisk - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
please mail me steps/tool links on: d.bhatt1401@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI have Transcend 32 GB Pendrive. When I insert it, it shows "Please insert a disk into drive I:"
When I opened it I found two chips a bigger one(on both side) , and a smaller one
Information On Bigger Chip
312 A70347
Information On Smaller Chip
Information Given by ChipGenius
Protocal Version: USB 2.10 <- Hint: This is a USB3.0 device working at USB2.0 mode
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1F75 PID = 0916
Device Vendor: Innostor Technology Corp.
Device Name: IS916EN
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Innostor
Product Model: NAND Flash
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Innostor
Chip Part-Number: IS916
Note: I have tried "Jet flash Data Recovery", "Innostor IS916 MP Tool v2.10.02.49 firmware , in this when i click on scan it shows "Execute Fail" and when i click on start it shows "Flash error".
Please can you tell me the right software or my usb is corrupted and it cannot be repaired in future.
ReplyDeleteSorry, above information in the bigger chip wrong.
Correct information in the bigger chip is as under
T1312 A70347
ReplyDeleteI need your help! I have found your contact surfing the Internet.
I have a 16 Gb Toshiba USB that has failed. Thanks to the ChipGenius2014 I have obtained the following information (see below). I have found the VID and PID in iFlash-FlashBoot but I'm unable to find the correct flash drive repair software in the "utils", due to the grest amount of links and their language.
I would appreciate knowing correct flash drive repair software.
Thank you very much for your help!
Description: [H:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6544
Serial Number: 09D04013E192CE31F6B2BD88
Device Vendor: TOSHIBA =flash vendor??
Device Name: TransMemory
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xBA
thanks mate, very helpful !
ReplyDeleteu r welcome sir
DeleteHi ashraaf muhammed ihave 32gb sandisk cruzer switch, from chip genius i got result that given below but i cant find the chip vendor and part number. so i tried to open the cover of the pendrive but i can't...... please help me to find that chip part number,chip vendor and utility please help me bro......
ReplyDeleteDescription: USB Mass Storage Device(SanDisk Cruzer Switch)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5572
Serial Number: 4C530010261220123572
Device Vendor: SanDisk
Device Name: Cruzer Switch
Device Revision: 0126
Manufacturer: SanDisk
Product Model: Cruzer Switch
Product Revision: 1.26
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
Hi Ashraaf, please help, I have a drive is a Lexar of 64 Gb, i plug-in and not reconize, the ChipGenius say:
ReplyDeleteDescription: USB Mass Storage Device
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 05DC PID = C75C
Device Revision: 0102
Chip Part-Number: Unknown
I open the cover and the chip is:
Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(hp v220w)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 03F0 PID = 5A07
Serial Number: AD75HE03000002882
Device Vendor: HP
Device Name: v220w
Device Revision: 1100
Manufacturer: hp
Product Model: v220w
Product Revision: 1100
Chip Vendor: SMI
Chip Part-Number: SM3257ENLT - ISP 130131-AA-
Flash ID Code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Please provide me the firmware of this pendrive.
DeleteAs its Being write protected.
Can you help with this, tried 2 dm8233 software, no good, and now pen drive is seen as a CDROM!
ReplyDeleteDescription: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(Verbatim STORE N GO)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 18A5 PID = 0302
Serial Number: 122800000000134B
Device Vendor: Verbatim
Device Name: STORE N GO
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Verbatim
Product Model: STORE N GO
Product Revision: 1.01
Controller Vendor: SiliconGo [former Kingstor]
Controller Part-Number: DM8233-201103291410-V1.01
Flash ID code: EC1AA8DE - Samsung - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC]
Possible Flash Part-Number
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
EC1AA8DE88C5 --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
ReplyDeleteCan you help me? I tried everything :/
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1221 PID = 3234
Serial Number: 372710020A1FEC5319072
Device Vendor: Flash
Device Name: USB Disk
Device Revision: 0000
Manufacturer: Flash
Product Model: USB Disk
Product Revision: 2.F0
Chip Vendor: micov
Chip Part-Number: MXT8208
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/micov.html
dear sir
ReplyDeletei need ur kind help
while updating the firmware the electricity went off
& when it came back i tried to reupdate firmware
but unfortunately my pc could not detect the pen drive
help me out
May Allah bless u
hello sir plz help me repair my usb.
ReplyDeleteI tried lot way . but no success
Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0011 PID = 7788
Serial Number: 0E4EA91B
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0102
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk
Product Revision: 8.00
Chip Vendor: Alcor(??)
Chip Part-Number: FC8308
Reference Product: ??:?U????????
Hello Ashraf,
ReplyDeleteI got a problem. My pendrive is detected by computer but when I try open it, it tells to insert the disk. I tried to format using hp usb disk format tool but it shows there is no media in the specified device. Is there any way to repair my pendrive????
hello sir plz help me repair my usb.
ReplyDeleteI tried lot way . but no success
Description: USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 2.0)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1665
Serial Number: 08606E6D4162BE71770B25A5
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Kingston
Product Model: DataTraveler 2.0
Product Revision: PMAP
Chip Part-Number: Unknown
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteI have a Verbatim Store’n'Go 32GB. Suddenly it hasn’t been detected on Win Xp/7. On Win7 it sounds that new divice has benn plugged via USB and that’s all – nothing happens next, on Win XP every time that pendrive is plugged the drivers are instelled, removalble storage device is showing in My computer folder but there is no posiibility to do anything with it (eg format)
PnP Device ID: VID = 18A5 PID = 0247
Serial Number: 15013085000061
Revision: 1.00
Device Type: Standard USB device -
Chip Vendor: (No match record)
Chip Part-Number: (No match record)
Product Vendor: Verbatim
Product Model: NAND Flash
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteI have a Verbatim Store’n'Go 32GB. Suddenly it hasn’t been detected on Win Xp/7. On Win7 it sounds that new divice has benn plugged via USB and that’s all – nothing happens next, on Win XP every time that pendrive is plugged the drivers are instelled, removalble storage device is showing in My computer folder but there is no posiibility to do anything with it (eg format)
PnP Device ID: VID = 18A5 PID = 0247
Serial Number: 15013085000061
Revision: 1.00
Device Type: Standard USB device -
Chip Vendor: (No match record)
Chip Part-Number: (No match record)
Product Vendor: Verbatim
Product Model: NAND Flash
Dear Ashraaf,
ReplyDeleteAt the first lines of this post you have talked about something "hardware solution for flash drives not recognized by windows".
But I couldnt find anything about that in all over through this post or anywhere in this site.
May you please inform me,of what hardware solution you have talked about!?
ReplyDeleteCan you help me? I tried everything :/
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(Lexar USB Flash Drive)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 05DC PID = C75C
Serial Number: 543F2325B827C1A12F9B
Device Vendor: Lexar
Device Name: USB Flash Drive
Device Revision: 0102
Manufacturer: Lexar
Product Model: USB Flash Drive
Product Revision: 8.07
Chip Vendor: Alcor Micro
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xE602 - F/W 94CD
Flash ID Code: 2C64643C - Micron - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC]
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
plis help!!
ReplyDeleteDescription: [E:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(Lenovo Recovery Media)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = ABCD PID = 1234
Serial Number: MSFTASMTL200001
Device Vendor: Lenovo
Device Name: Recovery Media
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Lenovo
Product Model: Recovery Media
Product Revision: 5.00
Controller Vendor: ChipsBank
Controller Part-Number: CBM2099A - [2014-10-10]
Flash ID code: A5965A69 - 4CE/Single Channel [TLC]
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/chipsbank.html
Possible Flash Part-Number
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
A5965A69 --------
A5965A69 --------
A5965A69 --------
A5965A69 --------
Hi Mr. Ashraaf, please help, I has a flash drive, Kingston Datatraveler of 16 Gb. When I plug-in and not reconized, the ChipGenius say:
ReplyDeleteDescription: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1623
Serial Number: 0013729B6EB8F961061F08D5
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 120
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
Chip Part-Number: SSS6690-B1
Flash ID Code: 98D799B2 - Toshiba - 4CE/??? [TLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 16GB
Description: [L:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6544
Serial Number: 6E2C26CA99AACE401ED116D7
Device Vendor: TOSHIBA
Device Name: TransMemory
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
Controller Part-Number: TC58NC6623/SSS6698-BA
Flash ID code: 98DE9493 - Toshiba TH58TEG7CDJBA4C - 2CE/Single Channel [MLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 16GB
I tried the sss usb but it keep saying error 255, any solution?
Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(TOSHIBA TransMemory)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6544
Serial Number: CC52AF4C82A9CD81EA46772C
Device Vendor: TOSHIBA
Device Name: TransMemory
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
Product Model: TransMemory
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xBA
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.htm
Hy, i tried every tool on the website to format my flash drive but non of them work.
ReplyDeleteWhat to do next or what tool to use to format?
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(AX216 FLASH READER)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1908 PID = 1319
Device Vendor: BUILDWIN
Device Name: AX216BL
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: AX216
Product Model: FLASH READER
Product Revision: 1.69
Chip Part-Number: Unknown
Please help me to resolve below issue.
ReplyDeleteDescription: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(USB MEMORY BAR)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 090C PID = 3000
Device Vendor: Silicon Motion,Inc.
Device Name: SM3255AA MEMORY BAR
Device Revision: 0100
Product Model: USB MEMORY BAR
Product Revision: 1000
Chip Vendor: SMI
Chip Part-Number: SM3257ENLT - ISP NONE
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/smi.html
Description: [N:]USB Mass Storage Device(TOSHIBA TransMemory)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6544
Serial Number: 5947EC1BE961CD81F15A5FDB
Device Vendor: TOSHIBA
Device Name: TransMemory
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
Product Model: TransMemory
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
Controller Part-Number: TC58NC6623/SSS6698-BA
Flash ID code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba TC58TEG6TCKTA00 - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
Possible Flash Part-Number
[1CE]TC58NVG6T2HTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58TVG6T2HTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58NVG6T2JTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58TVG6T2JTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58TEG6T2KTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58TEG6T2KTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58TEG6TCKTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
98DE98927257 --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
ReplyDeleteDescription: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(USB Flash Memory)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: Full Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6544
Serial Number: CC52AF4C82DDCDB070CCDC76
Device Name: USB Flash Memory
Device Revision: 0100
Product Model: USB Flash Memory
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xBA
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(General UDisk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 048D PID = 1234
Serial Number: _
Device Vendor: General
Device Name: UDisk
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: General
Product Model: UDisk
Product Revision: 5.00
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
Description: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk 2.0)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 5136 PID = 4678
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: USB2.0 FlashDisk
Device Revision: 1000
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk 2.0
Product Revision: 2.60
Chip Vendor: Micov
Chip Part-Number: MXT6208E/MW8209 - F/W
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/micov.html
need help with this. thanks
Hi,please help me
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 3.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 126mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1666
Serial Number: 60A44C413CCBBE30BB4FB19A
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 3.0
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Kingston
Product Model: DataTraveler 3.0
Product Revision: PMAP
Chip Vendor: Phison
Chip Part-Number: PS2251-07(PS2307) - F/W 01.03.10 [2013-12-20]
Flash ID Code: ADDE94DA - Hynix [MLC]
ReplyDeletePlease help
I have Kingston pen drive,details are as follows-
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(SKYMEDI USB Drive)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1516 PID = 8628
Serial Number: 02
Device Vendor: SKYMEDI
Device Name: USB Drive
Device Revision: 13C6
Manufacturer: SKYMEDI
Product Model: USB Drive
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Skymedi
Controller Part-Number: SK6211BB
Flash ID code: 89680446 - Intel JS29F32G08AAMDA - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-4K] -> Total Capacity = 4GB
Please help with software link for this device.
Many Thanks
Hello, I have 2 usb stick intenso Alu line 64 Gb usb 2.0
ReplyDeleteOne is OK and the second appear in my Windows 7 like this (Generic 1GB) :
What to do ? Many Thanks ! Best regards, Pascal from Belgium
Description: [J:]Périphérique de stockage de masse USB(Generic USB Flash Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC908SN/AU6989SN [E512] - F/W A31F
Flash ID code: 2CAC05CF - Micron - 2CE/Single Channel [MLC] -> Total Capacity = 1GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
The good one :
Description: [J:]Périphérique de stockage de masse USB(Intenso Alu Line)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
Serial Number: 5A012380
Device Vendor: 6989
Device Name: Intenso Alu Line
Device Revision: 0107
Manufacturer: Intenso
Product Model: Alu Line
Product Revision: 8.07
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC708AN/AU6987AN [CA07] - F/W 85DF
Flash ID code: 2CA805CB - Micron MT29F256G08CJAAA - 4CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 64GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
Description: [J:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234
Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
Device Name: Mass Storage Device
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: USB Flash Disk
Product Revision: 7.76
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC708(FC8708)/AU6987 [CA03] - F/W DA40
Flash ID code: ADDE94D2 - Hynix H27UCG8T2MYR - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
tell me best
hi please help. this is a 16 gb Toshiba drive
ReplyDeleteDescription: [E:]USB Mass Storage Device(TOSHIBA TransMemory)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6544
Serial Number: CC52AF4C8244CD70F41A9365
Device Vendor: TOSHIBA
Device Name: TransMemory
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: TOSHIBA
Product Model: TransMemory
Product Revision: 1.00
Chip Vendor: Solid State Systems
Chip Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xBA
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
Description: USB Mass Storage Device(NX216 FLASH READER)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 8644 PID = 800B
Serial Number: 1230000000011BA9
Device Vendor: General
Device Name: USB Flash Disk
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: NX216
Product Model: FLASH READER
Product Revision: 1.69
Controller Vendor: Appotech
Controller Part-Number: DM8261 - F/W 1.0.00
Flash ID code: 45DE9482 - SanDisk SDTNOQAHER-008G - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/search/?type=all&q=DM8261
plz help to formate and reuse this pen drive iball 8 gb Description: USB Mass Storage Device(NX216 FLASH READER)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 8644 PID = 800B
Serial Number: 1230000000011BA9
Device Vendor: General
Device Name: USB Flash Disk
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: NX216
Product Model: FLASH READER
Product Revision: 1.69
Controller Vendor: Appotech
Controller Part-Number: DM8261 - F/W 1.0.00
Flash ID code: 45DE9482 - SanDisk SDTNOQAHER-008G - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/search/?type=all&q=DM8261
HELLO, please help me, i have a 32 GB TDK
ReplyDeleteUSB Device ID: VID = 0718 PID = 069D
Serial Number: 07033468A7B0AF26
Device Vendor: Phison
Device Name: USB DISK 53X
Device Revision: 0110
Manufacturer: TDK LoR
Product Model: TF30 USB 3.0
Product Revision: PMAP
Could anyone PLEASE tell me are ANY of these tools current or still updated for UFDs being produced in 2017? I would like to buy a flash drive that I know I can change from removable media for multiple partitions to be recognized and possibly use a CDFS. My intention is to put VeraCrypt portable on the first partition and use that to encrypt the entire second partition. May be nice if the 1st partition was CDFS but not necessary. As it stands now all of my current flash drives are "removable media" and bootit failed to flip the removable bit on any of them. Also not coming up with any luck with any of the other tools. So I would like to buy a few new UFDs that I know will work with SMI MP Tool or similar. So any recommendations? Or anyone know of a list of CURRENT flash drives that can be messed around with these tools? Three days of Googling around and everything I am finding is very outdated or ends up on the Russian or Chinese sites where even with google translate I get stumped. Please advise :)
ReplyDeleteAfter this procedure, can I recover my old files?
ReplyDeleteNo if you update the flash drive firmware all data will lost
DeleteAnother solution to recover my data? My pendrive shows as "SM3267AB MEMORY BAR".
Deleteif your files is very important so you must check it with data recovery company in your country , but if you update firmware all things will be deleted
DeleteDear Ashraf:my usb vid 1908 and pid is 1318 result in chipgenius controller part-number is unknown my usb is hp v250w 8GB
ReplyDeleteplease help me 1000 gb sony avio
ReplyDeleteDescription: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(USB Disk)
Device Type:??Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1221 PID = 3234
Serial Number: 000000002AC3
Device Vendor: USB
Device Name: Disk
Device Revision: 0000
Manufacturer: USB
Product Model: Disk
Product Revision: 2.60
Chip Vendor: micov(???)
Chip Part-Number: MW8209
Tools on web:??http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/micov.html
Dear ashraf
ReplyDeleteThank you for the post.
I have a problem
I have imation 32gb drive with phison 2251-07. I tried to flash the firmware using mpall. It detected amd without going to settings and without selecting the .bin and flash file. I directly formated my drive. And it started formatting and ended with red error. And i closed the program.
And i removed my drive and reinserted. Now the drive is not detecting in windows and also in mpall and in chip genius. But when connecting LEd light is on.
Pls help me how can i restore it.
I found my usb flash but I can not find information about utilities in iflash boot ru
ReplyDeletecould you please advise me where can I find the software
USB Mass Storage Device(ELECOM MF-MSU3)
Device Type: carder reader usb device
device id vid = 2008 pid =2009
Hi ChipGenius Report is as follows:
ReplyDeleteDescription: [E:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(Generic Flash-Disk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1000 PID = 1320
Serial Number: 9241575982
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: Mass storage
Device Revision: 0001
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash-Disk
Product Revision: 1.08
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
I can not open the usb flash case because it is a complete metal case. It was supposed to be a Kingston DataTraveler SE9 16GB.
I would appreciate any advice or recommendation.
I need to 'repair" the writing speed on a Kingston flashdrive. Are there such "tools/programs"?
ReplyDeletehere is chipGenius inf :
ReplyDeleteDescription: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(ADATA USB Flash Drive)
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
USB Device ID: VID = 125F PID = C96A
Device Revision: 1100
Manufacturer: ADATA
Product Model: USB Flash Drive
Product Revision: 1100
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
, i need hellp , it is : adata 32 gb , the Controller Part-Number is Unknown !! , so , it is a hardware problem or a software ?
Description: [I:]Périphérique de stockage de masse USB(Specific STORAGE DEVICE)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 26BF PID = 201A
Serial Number: 49039130
Device Revision: 0200
Manufacturer: Specific
Product Revision: 0009
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
please help I can't find the utils to use.
http://flashboot.ru/iflash :
MODEL: Storage Device
PID: 201A
Added: 21 марта 2016
Description: [S:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteProtocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
Device Revision: 0106
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk
Product Revision: 8.07
Controller Vendor: Alcor
Tools on web: http://bbs.mydigit.cn/read.php?tid=20620
Hello sir,
ReplyDeleteI bought a new flash drive to put my nintendo Wii games in it, it's a USB 2.0 32GB Lexar Jumpdrive S70, I copied my games to it and removed it from the computer without using Windows Eject option, when I plugged it to the Wii some games worked fine and others were corrupted, When I plugged my flash drive to the computer I found that the file system is gone and I can't format no matter what software I use.
I opened the flash and it uses a Alcor AU9698AN controller chip, I tried to look for a software to repair but I couldn't, here is the report from ChipEasy:
Logical drive : D:\ Capacity: 0.0G
Device ID : VID = 05DC PID = C75C
Device SN : 7CCFE61A0AD0D3EAC06E
Device version : 8.07
Device vendor : Lexar
Device model : USB Flash Drive
Protocol : USB2.0
Max power : 200mA
Partition type : Dâ" Device active : no
Aligned state : 0 KB, Have been Aligned
Controller : AlcorMP
Controller model: AU698X/FC8708/FC8308 Help?
Flash Vendor : Micron
Score : 14 (Normal Score >= 30)
Tools : http://www.upan.cc/tools/mass/Alcor/
OS Version : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
Update Status : The current version is the latest version!
please help!
Description: [I:]USB Mass Storage Device(13FE USB DISK 50X)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.10 <- Hint: This device can run faster when plugged to a USB3.0 port
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 498mA
USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5100
Device Vendor: Phison
Device Name: USB DISK 53X
Device Revision: 0110
Manufacturer: 13FE
Product Model: USB DISK 50X
Product Revision: PMAP
Controller Vendor: Phison
Controller Part-Number: PS2251-07(PS2307) - F/W 08.00.50 [2016-08-25]
Flash ID code: AD3A1803 - Hynix [TLC]
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/phison.html
Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
Serial Number: B8547DA6
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0102
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk
Product Revision: 8.07
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: SC908(N)L/AU6989(N)L [CF02] - F/W D50A
Flash ID code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba TC58TEG6TCKTA00 - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Dear Eng. Ashraf
ReplyDeleteChip genius doesn`t show chip vendor and wrote chip part number as unknown . So,what should I do ?
Open the flash case and see what is written inside on the top of black controller
DeleteDescription: USB Mass Storage Device(USB MEMORY BAR)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 090C PID = 3000
Device Vendor: Silicon Motion,Inc.
Device Name: SM3255AA MEMORY BAR
Device Revision: 0100
Product Model: USB MEMORY BAR
Product Revision: 1000
Controller Vendor: SMI
Controller Part-Number: SM3257ENAA - ISP NONE
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/smi.html
Gambled on a "2TB" drive for $4US, seems it's really a 512MB Micron SLC memory chip using a chips bank controller. I can't find a repair/format utility anywhere and all the programs related to chips bank controllers don't recognize the device. My next step is editing the device using a hex editor-it's pretty much useless at 512 MB anyway. Here's what I found:
ReplyDeletechipgenius got me this:
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(General UDisk)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 048D PID = 1234
Serial Number: 1808132257050874309303
Device Vendor: General
Device Name: UDisk
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: General
Product Model: UDisk
Product Revision: 5.00
Controller Part-Number: Unknown (powerful mode was no help)
A physical/visual inspection reveals:
chipsbank controller cbm21995 ep6531
board # rec180737
2xa98 jw732 6yx3 on Micron memory chip
usbflashinfo showed this:
Volume: G:
Controller: ChipsBank
Possible Memory Chip(s):
Micron MT29F4G16ABC (listed as 512Mb capacity on a Russian site)
Memory Type: SLC
Flash ID: 2CBC9055 56
Flash CE: 1
Firmware Date: 2017-10-01
VID: 048D
PID: 1234
Manufacturer: General
Product: UDisk
Query Vendor ID: General
Query Product ID: UDisk
Query Product Revision: 5.00
Physical Disk Capacity: 2097152000000 Bytes
Windows Disk Capacity: 2097143611392 Bytes
Internal Tags: DG5P-8R3J
File System: EXFAT
USB Version: 2.00
Declared Power: 100 mA
ContMeas ID: D34D-01-99
Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 x64 Build 7601
Program Version:
Got any ideas?
Description: [G:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6544
Serial Number: 6C626D7C27E6CCA0192423D7
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler SE9
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
Controller Part-Number: SSS6697-B7
Flash ID code: 98DE98927257 - Toshiba TC58TEG6TCKTA00 - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
Possible Flash Part-Number
[1CE]TC58NVG6T2HTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58TVG6T2HTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58NVG6T2JTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58TVG6T2JTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58TEG6T2KTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58TEG6T2KTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]TC58TEG6TCKTA00 x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
98DE98927257 --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
Description: [E:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(SanDisk Cruzer Edge)
ReplyDeleteProtocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 556B
Device Revision: 0102
Manufacturer: SanDisk
Product Model: Cruzer Edge
Product Revision: 1.10
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
ayuda para formatear este pendrive es 16gb quiero repararlo
Description: [E:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB(SanDisk Cruzer Edge)
ReplyDeleteProtocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 556B
Device Revision: 0102
Manufacturer: SanDisk
Product Model: Cruzer Edge
Product Revision: 1.10
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
ayuda para reparar este pendrive
I have a 64GB CoreMicro flash drive and have tried many programs and they can’t see the drive to make it usable. Note: I don't care about recovering the data, I just want the drive to be recognized on Win7 and be usable. The flash drive is hot to the touch too. I don’t want to send the drive in if there’s a warranty on it due to confidential IT information on it. If it’s junk then I’ll toss it.
ReplyDeleteUsing Win7
Right click and properties shows 0 bytes used and free.
Disk Management shows No Media.
When I try to format I get There is no disk in drive F: Insert a disk, and then try again.
When I try and open F: it says, Please insert a disk into Removable Disk (F:)
Inside the flash drive on one side is a small black square chip with no writing and on the other side is a larger black square chip that's labelled as follows:
The numbers on the other side are:
PUN8-03 V1.00
Infor from ChipGenius
Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(AX216 FLASH READER)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1908 PID = 1319
Device Vendor: BUILDWIN
Device Name: AX216BL
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: AX216
Product Model: FLASH READER
Product Revision: 1.69
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
Thanks for any help
I have a 64GB CoreMicro flash drive and have tried many programs and they can’t see the drive to make it usable. Note: I don't care about recovering the data, I just want the drive to be recognized on Win7 and be usable. The flash drive is hot to the touch too. I don’t want to send the drive in if there’s a warranty on it due to confidential IT information on it. If it’s junk then I’ll toss it.
ReplyDeleteUsing Win7
Right click and properties shows 0 bytes used and free.
Disk Management shows No Media.
When I try to format I get There is no disk in drive F: Insert a disk, and then try again.
When I try and open F: it says, Please insert a disk into Removable Disk (F:)
Inside the flash drive on one side is a small black square chip with no writing and on the other side is a larger black square chip that's labelled as follows:
The numbers on the other side are:
PUN8-03 V1.00
Infor from ChipGenius
Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(AX216 FLASH READER)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1908 PID = 1319
Device Vendor: BUILDWIN
Device Name: AX216BL
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: AX216
Product Model: FLASH READER
Product Revision: 1.69
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
Thanks for any help
I submitted an inquiry yesterday. How long does it take to get posted? Or is this forum still live?
ReplyDeleteMy Flash Drive can't format and it turns to RAW Drive, how can i fix it.? Here some info.
ReplyDeleteDescription: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(Kingston DataTraveler 2.0)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1665
Serial Number: 0019E06B084BFF115766FCAC
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Kingston
Product Model: DataTraveler 2.0
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
Controller Part-Number: Unknown - 0xBD
Flash ID code: 98DE98927250 - Toshiba TC58TEG6TCKTA00 - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
Pls send here, pacquiaoronel0@gmail.com
Hi i Have a flash 64gb named Patriot 64GB Supersonic Rage Series USB 3.0 Flash and when i connect it to my computer it sounds but does not show on my local drives details are below plz help!!
ReplyDeleteDescription: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(Phison USB DISK 50X)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 3.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 896mA
USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5200
Device Vendor: Phison
Device Name: USB DISK 53X
Device Revision: 0110
Manufacturer: Phison
Product Model: USB DISK 50X
Product Revision: PMAP
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
Please contact me on my gmail if you find some solution my gmail usamazaib064@gamil.com plz plz plz!!!!
ReplyDeleteDescription: [I:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1665
Serial Number: 001CC0EC350DFD20770BB53B
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
Controller Part-Number: SSS6698-BB
Flash ID code: ADDE94EB7444 - Hynix H27QDGDUDBLR - 2CE/Single Channel [MLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 16GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
Description: [I:]USB Mass Storage Device(GENERIC USB Mass Storage)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 1665
Serial Number: 001CC0EC350DFD20770BB53B
Device Vendor: Kingston
Device Name: DataTraveler 2.0
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product Model: USB Mass Storage
Product Revision: 1.00
Controller Vendor: Solid State Systems
Controller Part-Number: SSS6698-BB
Flash ID code: ADDE94EB7444 - Hynix H27QDGDUDBLR - 2CE/Single Channel [MLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 16GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/sss.html
please i did not find my usb drive firmware can you help me
ReplyDeleteUSB Device ID: FFF-PID=1201
Manufacture: NAND
Product Model:USB2Disk
Controller Vendor : Firstchip
Controller part number: FC1178BC
Flash ID code :453c68B3-SanDisk-1CE/Single channel [TLC]
please help me
did you find it ? if yes than please give me
DeleteDescription: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(ChipsBnk Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1E3D PID = 198A
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: ChipsBnk
Product Model: Flash Disk
Product Revision: 5.00
Controller Vendor: ChipsBank
Controller Part-Number: CBM2099A - [2014-10-10]
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/chipsbank.html
please help,
ReplyDeleteUnable to format or read my flash drive
here are some informations
Description: [F:]Dispositif de stockage de masse USB( ¼:taE_° VU(§z’ìÞ 'ß‚ ìø)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 3D82 PID = A775
Device Vendor: ________
Device Name: ________________
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: ¼:taE_°
Product Model: VU(§z’ìÞ 'ß‚ ìø
Product Revision: ÷^ìÙ
Controller Vendor: Appotech
Tools on web:
Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 04C5 PID = 2026
Serial Number: 0000000000000001
Device Vendor: FUJITSU
Device Name: FUJITSU MB86C31
Device Revision: 0001
Controller Part-Number:____
Description: [G:]USB Mass Storage Device(USB2.0 CARD-READER)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: Full Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = 5136 PID = 4678
Serial Number: 8120420080429000
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: USB2.0 Device
Device Revision: 1000
Manufacturer: USB2.0
Product Model: CARD-READER
Product Revision: 1.01
Controller Vendor: YEESTOR [former SiliconGo/Kingstor]
Controller Part-Number: U
tool web link please
Hi I have got USB pen drive with original Windows 10 installation. I would like to format it and use the USB Like storage.
ReplyDeleteThis is info about but I cant find the utils for that.
Thank you for your help
Description: USB Mass Storage Device(KDI-MSFT Windows 10)
Device Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.10 <- Hint: This is a USB3.0 device working at USB2.0 mode
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 300mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0951 PID = 16AA
Serial Number: 001A920542D9B0B111FDA470
Device Vendor: KDI-MSFT
Device Name: Windows 10
Device Revision: 0110
Manufacturer: KDI-MSFT
Product Model: Windows 10
Product Revision: PMAP
Chip Part-Number: Unknown
Protocal Version: USB 3.00
ReplyDeleteCurrent Speed: Super Speed
Max Current: 896mA
USB Device ID: VID = 13FE PID = 5100
Serial Number: 000000000003
Device Vendor: Phison
Device Name: USB DISK 53X
Device Revision: 0110
Manufacturer: 13FE
Product Model: USB DISK 50X
Product Revision: PMAP
Controller Vendor: Phison
Controller Part-Number: PS2251-07(PS2307) - F/W 05.02.55 [2015-11-27]
Flash ID code: 454C98A37651 - SanDisk [TLC]
any Help !!
Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(XXXXXXXX U176CONTROLLER)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type:??Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 98mA
USB Device ID: VID = 048D PID = 1176
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: XXXXXXXX
Product Model: U176CONTROLLER
Product Revision: 0.00
Controller Vendor: iTE
Controller Part-Number: IT1176 A1BA
Tools on web:??http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/ite.html
Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(Specific STORAGE DEVICE)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 96mA
USB Device ID: VID = 26BF PID = 201A
Device Revision: 0009
Manufacturer: Specific
Product Revision: 0009
Controller Vendor: BR
Controller Part-Number: C203AL – F/W Boot-121113b
Flash ID code: ADDE94EB7444 – Hynix H27QCGDT2B – 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-16K] – Total Capacity = 8GB
Possible Flash Part-Number
[1CE]H27UCG8T2B x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
[1CE]H27QCGDT2B x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
Please help
Description: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
Serial Number: C8F395E9
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk
Product Revision: 8.07
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: Unknown [FA00] - F/W 3643
Flash ID code: AD5E285302B0 - Hynix - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC]
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
Possible Flash Part-Number
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
AD5E285302B0 --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
Description: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic Flash Disk)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
Serial Number: C8F395E9
Device Vendor: Generic
Device Name: Mass Storage
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: Generic
Product Model: Flash Disk
Product Revision: 8.07
Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
Controller Part-Number: Unknown [FA00] - F/W 3643
Flash ID code: AD5E285302B0 - Hynix - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC]
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/special/up/alcor.html
Possible Flash Part-Number
Flash ID mapping table
[Channel 0] [Channel 1]
AD5E285302B0 --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
Description: [G:]Dispositif de stockage de masse USB(CICADA FLASH READER)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 500mA
USB Device ID: VID = 1908 PID = 1319
Device Vendor: BUILDWIN
Device Name: AX216DX
Device Revision: 0100
Manufacturer: CICADA
Product Model: FLASH READER
Product Revision: 2.00
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(SanDisk Cruzer)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 200mA
USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5530
Serial Number: 20060878310578C364E6
Device Vendor: SanDisk
Device Name: Cruzer
Device Revision: 0126
Manufacturer: SanDisk
Product Model: Cruzer
Product Revision: 1.26
Controller Part-Number: Unknown
Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(NAND USB2DISK)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = FFFF PID = 1201
Device Revision: 0000
Manufacturer: NAND
Product Model: USB2DISK
Product Revision: 0.00
Controller Vendor: FirstChip
Controller Part-Number: chipYC2019
Flash ID code: 2CC30832EA30 - Micron MT29F512G08EBLCE - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 1GB
sir when after repair a usb i eject and then again plug in in pc its again show no media
plz help how i can solve it
Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(NAND USB2DISK)
ReplyDeleteDevice Type: Mass Storage Device
Protocal Version: USB 2.00
Current Speed: High Speed
Max Current: 100mA
USB Device ID: VID = FFFF PID = 1201
Device Revision: 0000
Manufacturer: NAND
Product Model: USB2DISK
Product Revision: 0.00
Controller Vendor: FirstChip
Controller Part-Number: chipYC2019
Flash ID code: 2CC30832EA30 - Micron MT29F512G08EBLCE - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC-16K] -> Total Capacity = 1GB
Tools on web: http://dl.mydigit.net/search/?type=all&q=chipYC2019
I could not get the link