8 ways to fix write protected usb flash drive and memory card

write protected solution,memory card format

8 ways to fix write protected usb flash drive and memory card .If you have troubles for copying files or deleting files with your flash drive and you face problems with that , please complete reading this article .

8 Ways to get rid off write protected Flash drives and memory card

Hello my friends , today i will explain how to fix write protected problem for usb flash drive .Most of people when they format their flash drives ,they get error message "the disk is write protected " as you see in the shown picture .How to get rid off this error message and repair flash drive ?.

Write protected flash drive problem solutions :

First Solution : Scan your flash drive with updated antivirus 

May be your flash drive is infected by virus like trojans or another virus so to remove this virus we must use a strong antivirus such as "NOD 32 " .First download nod 32 antivirus then update it .Scan your flash drive.What if this solution doesn't work with you ? so you will follow the second solution .

To Download NOD 32 with the latest free trial "30 days " please visit the official site of NOD 32 antivirus

Second Solution : Unlock your memory card or flash drive 

fix write protected usb flash drive and memory cardwrite protected usb flash drive

Sometimes you lock your memory card or flash drive .Check if you lock your memory card ,then unlock it like the previous pictures may be your write protected problem will be solved after unlock memory card .If this solution doesn't work with your write protected problem , please follow the third solution .

Third Solution : Be sure that there is enough space to copy files to your memory card or flash drive.

Fourth Solution : Make sure the files you want to move a printable

hidden files,write protected

Some files is programed to be read only files that you can't copy it to any removable devices .Make sure that your files isn't Read Only files .To do that just right click on file then click properties then attributes and remove the mark on "Read Only " .If this solution doesn't fix your write protected problem , please see the next solution .

 5- Fix write protected problem by DOS :

We will repair and fix write protected memory card or flash drive by using windows DOS .From Windows start menu click on RUN or you can show it by clicking " Windows symbol + R " from your keyboard then follow this steps :
Fix write protected problem by DOS

Fix write protected problem by DOS
 Write this cmd order " diskpart " Then windows open new windows press YES
Fix write protected problem by DOS
Write this order " list disk " then click enter ,DOS will show the disk devices in your PC
Fix write protected problem by DOS
Write " select disk 2 " then enter .Note select your flash drive or memory card disk label 1 or 2 
Fix write protected
Write " attributes disk clear readonly " then enter
dos fix write protected
Wait until finish then press exit 
This way may fix write protected problem by 75 % .If this solution doesn't work with you ,please see the next solution .

6- Fix write protected memory card by modifying  windows registry :

 Open "RUN" as we mentioned before .Write "regedit" then press enter .Click yes to open windows registry editor .
Fix write protected memory card by modifying  windows registry
Fix write protected memory card by modifying  windows registry2
By clicking your mouse from the windows registry editor , try to reach this path "
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies "

After you reach this path ,search about this registry key " WriteProtect" then click right click "modify" , you will find key value 1 replace it with zero value then click ok .Remove your usb flash drive then insert it again or restart your PC .This solution will fix write protected flash drive by 82% .If this solution doesn't work with you ,please see the next solution .

7- Repair write protected memory card problem by right windows format

rite protected memory card problem

Repair your usb flash drive and format it by windows format .Right click on flash drive then choose format .As the previous picture make the default settings.Click Start and wait until finish formatting your write protected flash drive.If this solution doesn't work with you , please try the next solution .

8- Try other format programs or update flash firmware 

You can visit this articles

how to fix File or directory is corrupted and unreadable error

Best SD memory card format software

 You can comment and write your flash drive problem or memory card that have write protected problem


  1. Assalam Aliakum Ashraf
    Thanks for this nice website.
    I have tried all methods,but none worked with me.
    please help

  2. thank you sir its really working

  3. This all methods doesn't work. PLEASE HELP

  4. Hi Ashraf... you are insanely dedicated....I'm hugely impressed, I've learn a lot from you, Thanks!
    Could you please lend me a hand because my flash drive doesn't seem to have an Utility acording to FlashBoot.ru.

    Here is the info
    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 200mA
    USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
    Serial Number: 132286CC
    Device Vendor: Generic
    Device Name: Mass Storage
    Device Revision: 010B
    Manufacturer: Generic
    Product Model: Flash Disk
    Product Revision: 8.07
    Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
    Controller Part-Number: SC908SN/AU6989SN - F/W D828
    Flash ID code: 98DE9892 - Toshiba - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 8GB

  5. My hard drive has stopped been detected, wat shud i do.

  6. Can't work any method
    Tell me some new method

  7. Wow. Registry edit worked for me. Thanks!
