Repair USB Pendrive with Generic USB Format tool

Generic USB Format utility

Format corrupted memory card and damaged USB flash disk.Generic USB Format tool can repair and format damaged SD card and Corrupted USB sticks .Try it now

Generic USB Format Tool

Generic USB Format tool is designed to repair corrupted SD micro card and USB sticks .Generic USB Formatter software format your USB flash drive and restore the factory setting.Generic USB Format utility support repairing most of USB Custom Flash drives .Also This software can format Patriot Memory stick

How to use Generic USB Format tool

Generic USB Format software  This tool can be used if you have formatting problems such as :
  • Windows unable to format flash drive .
  • Write protected memory problem .
  • Unrecognized USB flash drive .
  • Corrupted USB flash disk .
  • Flash memory size is 8MB or 15 MB .
  • Flash drive can't open and it's Raw file system .
  • Got this message "Please insert Disk " .

First Download Generic USB Format Tool from the download links in the bottom of this article .Insert your corrupted USB flash drive and open Generic USB Format Tool ,for windows 7 you must run the software as Administrator .

Generic USB Format tool

Choose your Memory drive then choose the format system type FAT or NTFS .Click on Quick Format then click Start .

Wait until finish formatting your flash drive .Please keep in mind,  DO NOT unplug or plug any devices to your usb port during the operation.

If Generic USB Format Tool doesn't fix your corrupted USB flash disk , please read this articles :
Don't forget to subscribe to our Facebook channel to get recent updates of Flash Drive Repair .

Search Tags :
  • Generic USB Format tool download .
  • How to format a flash drive .
  • Remove write protection from USB flash drive

Download Generic USB Format Software

Generic USB format tool download 


  1. Description: [H:]USB Mass Storage Device(SanDisk Cruzer Blade)
    Device Type:??Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 200mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0781 PID = 5567
    Serial Number: 200443230103338140DF

    Device Vendor: SanDisk
    Device Name: Cruzer Blade
    Device Revision: 0103

    Manufacturer: SanDisk
    Product Model: Cruzer Blade
    Product Revision: 1.20

    Chip Part-Number: Unknown

  2. this programme can't repaire my flash which its shown above please help me sir to repaire it thanks

  3. Description: [F:]Dispositivo de almacenamiento masivo USB(Generic Flash Disk)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 200mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
    Serial Number: C207B1C7

    Device Vendor: Generic
    Device Name: Mass Storage
    Device Revision: 010E

    Manufacturer: Generic
    Product Model: Flash Disk
    Product Revision: 8.07

    Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
    Controller Part-Number: Unknown(??) - 0xE50E - F/W D82B
    Flash ID code: 983AA892 - Toshiba - 1CE/Single Channel [TLC] -> Total Capacity = 16GB

  4. hi my name is Mohit and my Kingston DTSE9H 16 GB pendrive was currupt so can you tell me what I should do?

    chipginus information:-

    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 0C76 PID = 0005

    Device Vendor: Generic
    Device Name: USB Mass Storage
    Device Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: Generic
    Product Model: USB Mass Storage
    Product Revision: 1.00

    Controller Vendor: Solid State System
    Controller Part-Number: Unknown - 0xBE

    Flash ID Code: 983A98A3 - Toshiba - TC58TEG7THLTA00 - 1CE/Single channel [TLC-16K] ->Total Capacity = 16GB

  5. Description: [O:]USB Mass Storage Device(KIMTIGO)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 200mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
    Serial Number: CFF5454E

    Device Vendor: Generic
    Device Name: RAS_1500EXPO
    Device Revision: 0109

    Product Model: KIMTIGO
    Product Revision: 8.07

    Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
    Controller Part-Number: SC708AN/AU6987AN [CA09] - F/W 8707
    Flash ID code: 50504E010006 - 2CE/Single Channel H2DTDG8V01MYR [MLC-8K]

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number
    [2CE]H2DTEG8V01MYR(26nm) x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
    [2CE]H2DTDG8V01MYR(26nm) x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
    50504E010006 --------
    50504E010006 --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------

  6. Description: [O:]USB Mass Storage Device(KIMTIGO)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 200mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 6387
    Serial Number: CFF5454E

    Device Vendor: Generic
    Device Name: RAS_1500EXPO
    Device Revision: 0109

    Product Model: KIMTIGO
    Product Revision: 8.07

    Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
    Controller Part-Number: SC708AN/AU6987AN [CA09] - F/W 8707
    Flash ID code: 50504E010006 - 2CE/Single Channel H2DTDG8V01MYR [MLC-8K]

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number
    [2CE]H2DTEG8V01MYR(26nm) x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel
    [2CE]H2DTDG8V01MYR(26nm) x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
    50504E010006 --------
    50504E010006 --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------

  7. Please help me what can I use format tool,please help me outDescription: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234

    Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
    Device Name: Mass Storage Device
    Device Revision: 0001

    Manufacturer: Generic
    Product Model: USB Flash Disk
    Product Revision: 7.76

    Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
    Controller Part-Number: AU6988 [BD01] - F/W 41C2
    Flash ID code: ECD514B674EC - Samsung K9GAG08U0M - 1CE/Dual Channel [MLC-4K] -> Total Capacity = 4GB

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number
    [1CE]K9GAG08U0M(51nm) x 1 pcs/Channel x 2 Channels

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
    ECD514B674EC ECD514B674EC
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------

  8. please help me find my format tool..Description: [D:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234

    Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
    Device Name: Mass Storage Device
    Device Revision: 0001

    Manufacturer: Generic
    Product Model: USB Flash Disk
    Product Revision: 7.76

    Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
    Controller Part-Number: AU6988 [BD01] - F/W 41C2
    Flash ID code: ECD514B674EC - Samsung K9GAG08U0M - 1CE/Dual Channel [MLC-4K] -> Total Capacity = 4GB

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number
    [1CE]K9GAG08U0M(51nm) x 1 pcs/Channel x 2 Channels

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
    ECD514B674EC ECD514B674EC
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------

  9. it says there's no media in the specified device.

  10. hi every one i have my corrupted pen drive of this information
    how can i fix it
    Description: [F:]USB Mass Storage Device(Generic USB Flash Disk)
    Device Type: Mass Storage Device

    Protocal Version: USB 2.00
    Current Speed: High Speed
    Max Current: 100mA

    USB Device ID: VID = 058F PID = 1234

    Device Vendor: Alcor Micro
    Device Name: Mass Storage Device
    Device Revision: 0001

    Manufacturer: Generic
    Product Model: USB Flash Disk
    Product Revision: 7.76

    Controller Vendor: Alcor Micro
    Controller Part-Number: Unknown [FA00] - F/W 92D7
    Flash ID code: 2C0102030400 - Micron MT29F32G08CBABA - 1CE/Single Channel [MLC-8K] -> Total Capacity = 128MB

    Tools on web:

    Possible Flash Part-Number
    [1CE]MT29F32G08CBABA x 1 pcs/Channel x 1 Channel

    Flash ID mapping table
    [Channel 0] [Channel 1]
    2C0102030400 --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
    -------- --------
